Jun 2022 - Current
My Role
UX/UI Designer
Claire Ma, Dharmen Yadav
Product Overview
How to facilitate investment in Web3?
TokenTable is an ownership management platform helping project stakeholders including founders, investors, and contributors manage locked and unvested tokens and portfolios.
Problem Scope
Web3 founders face the challenge of managing token allocation amidst a booming token asset market that exceeds one trillion dollars. Traditional methods like spreadsheets are insufficient to support founders due to the increasingly complex mechanisms involved with the process from planning to launch.
How to effectively manage project ownership and investment portfolio in Web3?
Token management each step of the way from execution, to tracking to enforcement
Excel Spreadsheets
Users manually input information such as investor names, equity ownership percentages, share classes, and funding rounds into the spreadsheet.
Inaccuracy & Security
Users can utilize Excel's built-in formulas and functions to calculate and track equity distributions, valuation changes, and other financial metrics.
YGG Whitepaper Allocation
Linked Spreadsheet Allocation
Launched Design
Execute, Track, Enforce
Enable founders to manage token holders, sign fundraising contracts, and team grant contracts all in one place, streamlining the entire process from planning to launch.
Want to take a deeper dive?
Partial NDA in place, please email me to chat
My Contributions
Worked as a junior product designer in a team of 3 alongside one senior product designer and our design lead.
Ideation-> Exploration -> Validation
Brainstormed ideas, drew inspiration, researched competitors, collected feedback from stakeholders, and prioritized features.
Research Analysis
Discussed research approaches with PMs, analyzed research findings derived from user interviews, and implemented design solutions.
Solved complex problems with design solutions such as the TokenTable dashboard, the mobile version and the company website.
Presented design progress on a company-wide, biweekly basis to align cross-functional team members and facilitated discussions.
What I learned
Research challenges in the Web3 space: The decentralized storage of user data poses a challenge in obtaining quantitative data, limiting my ability to understand user problems primarily through a qualitative lens.
Building comprehension over removing friction: TokenTable requires a lot of domain specific knowledge for users. Most of the user feedback show that users are confused about what the UI is trying to ask. Thus, sometimes more clicks provides more guidance for users to understand the next steps.
Business goal driven design: In order to drive user growth and larger scale product adoption, we need to find the right product market fit. Sometimes, it means to break the product into smaller scale products with features solving smaller user challenges.